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How AI can bring on a second Industrial Revolution Kevin Kelly  |  Jun 20162024년 6월 3일 shadowing 완료    TED Talker/연자Kevin KellyFounding executive editor of Wired magazine and a former editor and publisher of the Whole Earth ReviewAuthor of "the inevitable", "out of control", "the silver cord", "what thechnology wants", "vanishing asia", and etc. 더보기I'm going to talk a little bit about where technology's going. And often technology comes to us, w.. 2024. 6. 3.
Why some people find exercise harder than others Emily Balcetis  |  Nov 20142024년 5월 30일 shadowing 완료    TED Talker/연자Emily BalcetisAmerican social psychologist and Associate Professor of Psychology at New York University 더보기Vision is the most important and prioritized sense that we have. We are constantly looking at the world around us, and quickly we identify and make sense of what it is that we see. Let's just start with an example of that .. 2024. 5. 30.
What you can do to prevent Alzheimer's Lisa Genova   |  Apr 20172024년 5월 29일 shadowing 완료     TED Talker/연자Lisa GenovaAmerican neuroscientist New York Times bestselling author of the novels STILL ALICE, LEFT NEGLECTED, LOVE ANTHONY, INSIDE THE O'BRIENS, and EVERY NOTE PLAYED 더보기How many people here would like to live to be at least 80 years old? Yeah. I think we all have this hopeful expectation of living into old age. Let's project .. 2024. 5. 29.
The global food waste scandal Tristram Stuart   |  May 20122024년 5월 23일 shadowing 완료     TED Talker/연자Tristram Stuart English author and campaigner. 더보기The job of uncovering the global food waste scandal started for me when I was 15 years old. I bought some pigs. I was living in Sussex. And I started to feed them in the most traditional and environmentally friendly way. I went to my school kitchen, and I said, "Give me the s.. 2024. 5. 23.